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Quote I came across today….”It is impossible to be inauthentic while you are focusing on my (Jesus’) presence.”  (From Jesus Calling).

I am mulling this thought over in my head.  If I am living as though I am standing, sitting, walking, talking with Jesus there with me, I will be most authentic self.  Not because I am afraid of being fake in front of the One who knows who I really am, but because I will feel so fully accepted and known and understood in His presence that there is no need to be anything else.

Being “real” is my mantra.  I’ve given talks on it.  I try to live it.  Which doesn’t mean that I get it right every time.  There are times when I feel like people will be disappointed that I am not organized enough or well- thought -out enough or any number of things.

But when I am fully embracing Jesus with everything in me, none of that matters.  My focus is no longer on how insufficient I am, but on how great He is.  And I come to see that how He made me was completely intentional and a perfect fit for what He’s put me on this earth to do.  No matter how random or crazy that may be.  Because when His potter hands are at work, He can take the clay and mold it and use it any way He wants.

You are completely unique and were put here for a reason that fits perfectly with your personality and gifts and abilities.  And when you team that up with Jesus who wants to partner with you to show you that unique plan and then pursue it with you, authenticity comes naturally.  And it feels really good because it’s who we really are.

“It is impossible to be inauthentic while you are focusing on my (Jesus’) presence.”  I agree…

Isaiah 64:8 – And yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand. 

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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