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Off to finish this portion of the staging job.  The day when a room becomes a hug, a haven.  The fun part!  God has been so good the past two days in giving strength to paint for 17 hours and making it a completely joyful experience with great conversations, learning new things, a relaxed atmosphere and just plain fun!

Thanks, Jesus, for all You’ve done so far and for the lovely outcome.  Please continue Your good work today as we put the life into the now beautiful canvas of color and warmth.  Give clarity of thought, freedom of creativity and a heart sensitive to Samantha’s wishes and desires.  And help her homecoming to be one of yummy feelings and great contentment.  I’m hoping for a big sigh and an even bigger smile….:-)

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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