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Finished Samantha’s house at 6:30 tonight!  Yippee!  Here are some before and after pictures of what I’ve been doing the past three days…


white walls....


yummy caramel, pumpkin and chocolate walls....


big, blank wall......


color, texture and design....


beautiful windows with no color....


beautiful windows wrapped in dark chocolate....

Samantha gets home in about an hour…I am anxious to hear what she thinks.  When her eight year old son Jacob came home from school today he said, “This is so much better now!  Before it was just BORING!!!”  Thanks, Jacob.  Hope you and your family have lots of cozy nights in this family room/kitchen area…. 🙂

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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