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My grandma just sent me this poem written by my great-great-grandmother in 1923.  It’s fun to see words from a woman I never got the privilege to meet, but whose blood and love for writing and Jesus I share.  I am hoping to get more of her writings and compare them to my own at some point…wouldn’t that be fun???? Thank you, Grandma, for passing this precious piece of our past on to me. Timeless words.  Timeless truth…

by Mrs. R.M. Moody
“Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe.”
(Psaml 119:117)
The Lord is my Helper, what have I to fear,
When me He has promised to ever be near?
Although all the way I may not understand,
I still will be safe, for He holdeth my hand.

Just as a child holds his own father’s hand,
Goes on in the way it may not understand:
So may I trust thee, Lord, today and tomorrow,
And I shall be safe, in joy and sorrow.

In all things give thanks, rejoicing always,
For He will be with me through all of the days:
Hold thou me up, I can not go astray,
I shall be safe when thou choosest my way.

What time I am fearful, I’ll still trust in thee,
Who, from the beginning, the ending doth see:
Hold thou me up. Let my faith not be dim,
I shall be safe while trusting in Him.

Newark, N.J. July 18, 1923

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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