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Yesterday I got an email from a friend with a phrase that I’m sure is not new, but I like it.  “If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.”  It could easily sound cliche or trite if you read over it quickly.  But if we really let that thought sink in, it is pretty profound.  If God allows anything into our life, any heartache, any new opportunity, any step forward, any difficult decision, anything, then He will be right beside us and give us everything we need to do it.  That is life changing if we can really grasp it!  That edges fear right out of the equation!

Today I was reading in Joshua.  Moses, the leader of the Israelites (who never thought he could be a leader!) has died.  Joshua, his assistant, is now in charge of these fickle people.  He is supposed to be the one that leads them into the promised land.  Can you imagine the weight of that responsibility?  He doesn’t say that He’s afraid, but I think it’s a safe bet to say that he was, given the task at hand.  And God knows how big that responsibility feels to him and the fear of the unknown ahead.  What enemies would they face?  What would be waiting there for them?  He was truly asked to step out in faith into brand new territory.  Pit in the stomach kind of stuff.

And what does God say?  “Be strong and take courage”.  He says it multiple times in just a few verses.  Take courage.  To me that says “Make it yours.  Grab hold of it.  It is yours for the taking.  It is available.  I am offering it to you.  And maybe that’s why He says “be strong” first.  There is a certain strength needed to reach out to courage and claim it and move forward with it.

But before He says this, there is an underlying, foundational promise that He gives – “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you or forsake you.”  This is where that strength comes from.  In the knowledge of His ever faithful presence.  And from that strength comes the courage to do what comes next.

What are two things that can get in the way of us being strong and taking courage?  Fear and discouragement.  Either fear of the unknown or the known, or past failure, or discouragement when things seem to move so slowly or not at all for a time.  These are the things that the enemy would love to use to stop progress.  To keep us from moving, growing, stretching ourselves.  To keep us from experiencing the true thrill of the adventure of faith.  But God knows this, too, and says, “Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged…”  and why not?  “For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Again, with that knowledge, fear is escorted out of the room.

I have been struggling with this concept in terms of areas of ministry.  My writing, my staging business/ministry, etc.  Things with the new business were really moving and active in the beginning.  I sensed God’s hand so involved in all of it.  But now things have slowed down and doubt and fear begin to crowd their way into my head.  Where do I go from here?  How do I market myself?  How do I get my name out there? How do I handle the business side of things? And all over again I have to stop and give it to Jesus and ask Him to make it clear, knowing that He will be with me every step of the way.  Knowing that “if He brings me to it, He will bring me through it.”

This also applies to other areas of my life – my writing, areas I need to grow in, areas that I need to be challenged and changed in, people that I need to reach out to, struggles within myself, etc., etc.   But when I truly recognize the promise He gives of His presence, the pit in my stomach melts into peace.  Sweet, sweet peace.

Thank you, God, for You.  For Your presence.  Your love.  The fact that you will never abandon me.  And that the power of Your love and presence kisses fear goodbye.  I love you, Jesus….

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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