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I wrote on my Facebook status the other day “Aaaaaahhhhhh….the transformation of color and texture are visual music to my soul.”  A musician friend of mine wrote “I know the feeling.  Some music is audible color and texture to my soul!”

Yes!  That is so true.  Love it that our senses overlap when our souls are deeply touched.  Usual descriptions fail to capture what we experience, so our souls take everything we know and love, and put them in different “out of the box” places so we have a better picture of what is going on in our hearts.

Wow.  If you can follow that last sentence then you know exactly what I’m talking about.  If you can’t, then I just wrote a lousy sentence that makes no sense.  I hope that you get it.  And if you don’t, I’m praying that you will at some point. Because I truly believe that God wants to touch us in those lovely deep, deep places where senses collide and mesh and produce beautiful colors, textures, sounds and tastes that help to describe in the smallest but newest of ways His incredible love for us.  It’s not black and white.  It’s not flat.  It’s not without flavor. It is not dull or boring.  Look at everything around us that demonstrates His love – nature, humans – all created uniquely with different colors, shapes, sizes, textures.  His love is vibrant and alive and active and beautiful and delicious and fragrant.  And it shows up in all kinds of crazy, amazing ways.  Just you watch….:-)

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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