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Today, I smiled as I walked out to the car to take Blake to school.  He was all dressed up as if going to some event.  He declared that today would be the beginning of Classy Tuesdays.  He is attempting to start a new tradition at his new high school.  And he looked pretty dang handsome doing it.  🙂

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that before we moved here my prayer was that God would prepare friends for both Blake and Abby (as well as Mark and me) – people that we could do life with that we could encourage and love on and who would do the same for us.  Well, you’ve seen in my posts how God has done that for me through wonderful women here that I know God had in mind for me and who have been a huge blessing to me already.  Abby and Blake got connected at church right away with being involved in helping the Junior High ministry.  Abby has been getting to know college aged kids who are excited about the new college group we will be hosting at our house in a couple weeks.  She took the initiative to invite as many as could come at the last minute to go bowling last night.  You go, girl!

Blake has had no shortage of “women folk” friends since we moved here.  Any guy’s dream.  But he was still missing having guy friends to hang with.  And wouldn’t you know it.  God has answered again.  And not just any guy friends, but Christian, leader type guy friends.  Guys who are involved at school and their churches, athletes, strong young men who, like Blake, are well liked, respected and who can have an impact on their school and world.  God, again, has gone above and beyond what we could imagine.  And without me trying to manipulate the situation at all. (Which would have been really easy to want to do, as I know the mother of one of these guys and love her dearly!)

When God calls a family to a new place, He provides for each and every one of them.  He has a plan for each of us here in Parker, Colorado.  And He didn’t just provide for us, but for our two girls who are still in Arizona, giving each of them a wonderful man to love and watch out for them in our absence.

It’s so exciting to see God’s plans slowly unfold in front of us.  Sometimes there are growing pains.  Sometimes doubt wants to creep in.  But as I am learning to trust Jesus one minute at a time of each day, I feel like there are less and less things that I am missing out on learning and watching God do.  Even in the pain.  He is at work ALL THE TIME.  We just need to watch for it.  It’s exciting.  It keeps our faith and hope alive as we see answers to prayer and sense His presence and peace.

So, we’ll see how the whole Classy Tuesday thing pans out.  But just the fact that Blake wanted to give it a shot shows me that He is trusting God to provide and is seeing Him do just that.  And the smile on his face every morning before and every afternoon after school tells me that God is true to His word…Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the Lord…

Precious God, may we be ever seeking You with all of our hearts and finding You just as You promised.  Thank You that Your plans for us are very, very, very good…

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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