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Here I am today.

Just me.  Simple me.  No bells or whistles.  Ordinary me.  Just a girl with a prayer.  A deep, fervent prayer.

To be overcome by Your presence today.  To kneel in awe before You.  To listen intently to Your prompting and to listen just as carefully to Your voice telling me to “be still”.

To revel in Your great love.  To experience its intimacy at a whole new level.  To rest in the promise that You will never leave me.  To trust that Your plan is beyond understanding and Your ways too incredible to imagine.

To watch and to wait in eager, but not anxious, anticipation as You work in and around me.  To know with everything in me that you love me as my daddy, my groom, my friend.  To sit at Your feet in humble adoration.

To bring everything that threatens to weigh on my heart and lay it on You.  To sing to You at the top of my lungs for all that You are and all that You’ve done.  To thank you with everything in me.

To go into my world today sharing the light of Your love.  To be open, available and willing to any conversation with any person that You ask me to touch.  To show them You love them deeply.

I am a simple, flawed girl.  All I want are the two things that You ask of me.  To love You and to love people.  Please help me to do both of those well today.  I can’t do it without You.  I wouldn’t even want to try…

I love you, Jesus


Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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