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My alarm went off at five this morning.   Blurry eyed, I crawled out of bed to start the day.  Everything in me wanted to crawl back into my cozy bed.  But instead I pulled on my shorts and t-shirt and running shoes and headed out the door.

I don’t know if it was the chill in the air that numbed me a bit or what, but running was easy this morning.  Nearly effortless.  I was surprised because I have upped my workout routine lately with weights and added mileage and so was very sore this morning before I headed out.  It was as if everything loosened up once I got moving.

Towards the end of my run, coming up the last hill, however, I could feel the drag coming on.  The breathing became more labored.  The effort became more strenuous.  My lungs needing a little more oxygen than it felt like they were getting.  And I hate that feeling.  That feeling makes me want to stop.  But I didn’t.  Instead, I shifted my focus from my chest to my legs.  I let my legs carry the pain, knowing that they were strong enough to get me home.  I threw my weight into my legs and let them carry the load.  I still felt some pain, but it was a good pain because it was in my legs, where my strength was.  It seemed to take the stress off of my heart and lungs.

And yes, of course, it went through my mind how similar that is to real life.  We take on a new challenge or give something up or step out in obedience and initially it feels great.  Almost effortless.  But then the daily routine sets in and that obedience or faith leap can feel less exciting and more strenuous.  Our heart is taking the brunt of it, because we begin to try and do it in our own strength.  We tire, we hurt, we ache.  We want to stop.  The newness has worn off and we are ready to be done.

But what if we shift our focus to the One who wants to bear our weight?  What if we let Jesus be our legs and carry us in those endeavors, relying on His strength and not on our own hearts?  We will still feel the effects of the obedience.  We will not be without pain.  But we will be less fatigued, less likely to want to give up if we know that He is our strength and has full capability of getting us home. It worked with running this morning.  I think it might work in life, too…

After running, I took Abby to work at six, got Blake off to school (first day!) by seven and have the house all to myself with my favorite “Good Morning” cup filled with coffee.  Aaaaaahhhhhh!  The blue sky is cloudless, the house is quiet and it’s just me and Jesus.  And I’m diggin’ it.  I’m praying for Blake and his first day of a new school in a new town.  He’s excited to meet new people and discover new opportunities.  I was almost giddy for him this morning.  Praying that God brings people into his life that he can impact and that can impact him.  Praying that as the first graduating class, they can be leaders who will be examples to the younger classmen.  So, so excited to see what God will do on that campus this year.  It seems like just an incredible place with amazing administration and teachers who are united and dedicated to each other and their students.  I’m thinking I should also be praying how I should get involved there. (I think the Moms In Touch group will be having their first meeting here at our house. Yay!)

I can hear the gentle ticking of my kitchen clock.  That’s how quiet the house is right now.  I think Jesus and I will work on painting this quiet house today. We will sing at the top of our lungs together. Shamelessly.  And we’ll enjoy the feeling of Aaaaaaaahhh! on this beautiful day.  I hope that your day and whatever it holds is beautiful, too and that that your heart sings at the top of its lungs!!!!

Love and Hugs and More Hugs….

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xo, jana




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