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I have always loved falling asleep to the sound of a heartbeat.  The consistent rhythm sounded like comfort and reassurance and security to me.  It’s still my favorite “white noise” to drift off to dreamland in.

This is a picture of me on my grandpa’s chest.  My ear against his chest.  Fully at rest.  His strength supporting me.  His hand holding me.  And there is complete trust on my sleeping face.  And look at grandpa’s face – he is reclined and relaxed with me.  Content to hold me as long as I needed. (If you click twice on this picture you can see our faces more clearly and note that my thumb has come out of my mouth…I am completely at rest without it…)

This is such a sweet reminder to me of resting on and in and with Jesus.  His heartbeat is strong and consistent.  His hand always ready to hold us.  His chest always ready for our ear.  He longs to recline with us.  To rest with us.  To just be with us.  And in that place we can hear His heartbeat, find our peace, our quiet place, our secure resting place. His heart beats for you.  Can you hear it????

Matthew 11:28 – “Are you tired?  Worn out?  Burned out on religion?  Come to me.  Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.  I’ll show you how to take a real rest.”

(Grandma, hope you enjoy this picture.  Do you remember it?)

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xo, jana




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