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My sweet friend Jaime was a huge encouragement to me again yesterday.  She brought to mind for me a verse that I have known nearly all my life, but that seemed to come alive all over again.

Romans 12:12 – “Be joyful in hope, patient in afflication, faithful in prayer.”  Wow.  Such a jumping board for anything that comes into my life.  Such a resting place when it all seems overwhelming.  Such a starting place for all things good in every relationship in my life.  Hope, endurance and prayer.  If I see life through this filter, it will bring a good perspective to everything I say and do and experience.  It pretty much takes anxiety and fear out of the mix.  And that sounds really, really good to me.

I love the passages that surround this verse.  It speaks of love, devotion, honor, spiritual fervor, hospitality, blessing others, sympathy, harmony, humility and peace.  All things necessary for a healthy relationship with God and others.  If we follow the three – joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer – I have a feeling our lives will be changed from the inside out.  Doesn’t that sound good????

Love and hugs, (and thanks, Jaime!)


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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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