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She could hear it coming

The rumble and the roar

It always came this time of year

Right outside her door.

The temperature was perfect

Cool and brisk and gray

The weather for a visit

From the Sugar Train today.

It’s engine roared inside her head

Or was that just her tummy?

Either way, she was on board

To taste something so yummy.

The Sugar Train was fast

The Sugar Train was sweet

And she was completely powerless

To resist it’s luscious treats.

Why couldn’t she avoid the train

And catch another ride?

Once on, she never could get off

No matter how she tried.

The Sugar Train would speed along

Her sense of taste in awe

With  sweets and treats, the chew, the crunch

The best she ever saw.

The flavors lingered in her mouth

Tastes rolling round her tongue

It brought a smile to her lips

The Sugar Train was fun!

But soon the temporary high

Was eclipsed by a case of the “blahs”

A food coma overtook

And sugar was the cause.

Her sleepy eyes longed to close

Her future was a nap

To sleep off the glucose hangover

And escape the sugar trap.

She fell asleep to the sound

Of the Sugar Train’s mighty roar

Which now became white noise to her

And she began to snore

She dreamed of  lands of candy

And other treats galore

Of things made out of sugar

And of confection stores.

She woke up feeling groggy

Not knowing where she was

But heard the distant engine

And smiled just because.

She knew she’d gotten off the train

And she knew where she had been

She’d like to think she’d never return

But she knew she’d ride again.

The moral of the story

Is simple, but it’s true

The fate of this young woman

Could be the fate of you.

The chilly weather brings desire

To ride the Sugar Train

A ride so glorious

That you’ll want to ride again.

Then when holidays are over

And normal life ensues

You’ll wonder why your jeans don’t fit

And then you’ll get the blues.

So be cautious of the Sugar Train

Avoid it’s sweet entrance

Or hop on with me and enjoy the ride

And just buy bigger pants!

Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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