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It battles within me today

The long  list of “need to do’s”

Versus the freeflowing of things I want to do

My creativity fighting against practicality

Words bubbling up inside my heart

And making their way to my mind

Wanting to be released through my fingers

Oh, for a day of nothing to do!

Where there is no schedule

No tasks

No obligations

Just one day to immerse in the artistic river

And let it flow however it wishes

Gentle or raging

And just enjoy the ride

Not really knowing where it will take me



I’m off to the grocery store

The bank

The mall

The post office

The school

Laundry needs folding

Meals to be made

Rooms to be cleaned

Appointments to be scheduled

Kids to be driven

Friends to call back

Costumes to plan

Company to entertain

The day to day stuff that I wouldn’t trade for the world

I will love every minute of it

And will keep dreaming of my day on the river…


Let's stay connected!

I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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