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Love That Takes Us Home

I just got to watch the footage of the first meeting of my friend and her adopted son.  He came in on a plane this past Thursday night.  The case worker brought him through the airport in a stroller.  My friend literally ran to meet him.  She expected that he might...

Yep. That Good.

Today was a really good day. Just got home from five days in Seattle.  Got to meet and see so many amazing people.  It started at the airport, continued on the plane and went on for the rest of the trip.  Incredible time spent with precious friends, old classmates,...


Gorgeous mountains Beautiful water Green grass Wondrous sky Clean air Changing leaves Towering trees Unbelievable friends Incredible family Big sigh Happy heart...

Here I Go!

At the airport now waiting for my flight.  The stranger next to me just asked me to watch his bag and leather jacket while he went to get something.  Funny 🙂 Just found out his name is Nick.  From Chicago.  A real talker.  Has told me his life story in these few short...

Hug My Soul

Jesus, Could you please hug my soul tonight? I can feel it aching in my throat. Deep longings that wear away at it’s strength. The gammet of emotions taking their toll. Can you hold it for just a little while? Caress the bumps and bruises it has accrued along...

Beyond The Book

This little story was inspired by my friend who shared a great analogy…this one’s for you!  Let me know what you think.  I want to do justice to your thoughts…   She sat at a small table in the corner of the university library.  Amid the silence, the...