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This is a song that I am working on – still a long way to go, but would love any feedback anyone would have for me to make it better, or to add to it.  I feel kinda naked putting this out there but would love input…

My Saving Tree —

Little girl laughing and trying not to peek

Running and chasing in hide-and-go seek

Now it’s my turn to find the best spot

A place I can hide and never get caught

Up in a tree

Made just for me

My savior


Teenager looking for some special place

Somewhere to go for quiet and space

Away from the world, with only my thoughts

To consider what I am and what I am not

Under a tree

Perfect for me

My savior


Chorus 1 –

Branches extended, reaching to me

Offering all that it ever could be

Comfort, retreat, a sweet hiding place

Breath to my life, my saving grace

There through all of my history

Always my savior, my saving tree


Lost in the desert, blinded by grief

In the shade of a tree, I find my relief

Offering shelter to my tired, worn soul

Reprieve from the pain that has taken its toll

Saved by a tree

Meant just for me

My savior


Chorus 1 –

Branches extended, reaching to me

Offering all that it ever could be

Comfort, retreat, a sweet hiding place

Breath to my life, my saving grace

There through all of my history

Always my savior, my saving tree


Broken, bleeding, bruised to the core

At the foot of a tree, I’m crying for more

A man hanging there with love in his eyes

Bearing my pain, my sin, my demise

There on a tree

There just for me

My Savior


Chorus 2 –

His arms extended, reaching to me

Offering all that He is and will be

Comfort, retreat, a sweet hiding place

Breath to my life, my saving grace

There on a cross changed all history

Jesus, my Savior on my saving tree

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I promise to send some encouragement your way, and a bit of hope for the soul...

xo, jana




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